Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Hairstyle!

back picture of my new do...
side picture of my new do...
After, this is my new do and i love it... I like having dark hair then having blode hair...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bridal Shower and Wedding

one picture I got of my bridal shower...
Holly and Dylan at the reception...

Wedding and Receptions

Both families at the temple...
Ben's family


I have been posting some of the pictures that i have, and I will be putting more up of our wedding... and maybe some other pictures to... I love to go on walk to take pictures and I will be putting some of those up to... I love the view of Pocatello from my apt... It is pretty. we can even see where they are doing extreme makeover the home edition is at which is cool I could see the lights last night which was cool...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Temple Pictures 2

The Idaho falls Temple...

Brianna in front of the Temple...

Temple Pictures!

Matthew standing in front of the temple...

Me and Ben with Matthew, Brianna, and Brittanie...
Me and Ben and our grandparents...
Mathew's mad cause he couldn't take any of the pictures...

The New Apartment!

Matthew standing in a tree by our apt...
Brianna sitting on the same tree by our apt...
Me and Ben in front of our apt...
Cylista being weird in front of the apt...
This is a very small kitchen we can barely fit both of us in...

Moving In!

our lovely bathroom...
holly standing in the door way to the bedroom...

Holly showing off the kitchen...
Grandma and Grandpa in the living room...

Moving In!

McIntosh Manor!

new apartment

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Blog!

I am stating a new blog so for those of you who now know we are getting rid of that one cause ben wants me to do a blog so he can do a Vlog, For those of you who don't know what a Vlog is it is a video of something you are doing I guess....